Bridge Command
The Brief
Develop an interactive space adventure in some disused railway arches in Vauxhall. Working we Parabolic Theatre we spent almost two years helping to take this show from concept through to reality, building two incredible space ships integrated with open source gaming software through the wizardry of Clockwork Dog.

The Delivery
The experience is ground breaking in it’s ability to give audiences complete free agency in how they navigate the missions and narrative of the stories. A mixture of LARP experience, escape room and immersive theatre, it allows you to play episodic missions across wide ranging story arcs.

Our team worked with Illusion Design & Construction to develop the physical scenic design from a 3D model created by an Argentinian 3D modeller who specialises in creating space ship bridges for VR. We had to not only make the scenic physically fit within the venue, but also make the space ships and operational areas fully compliant with building control and fire regulations.

We love crazy challenges like this so if you have a similar creative concept you’re looking for support to realise – give us a call..
Book tickets for Bridge Command at Bridgecommand.space .